Guest status

In this article you'll learn how to recognize if a guest has accepted, declined or not responded to the invitation.

Table of contents

Recognize guest status

Each guest has a status, which is automatically changed by certain actions.

Symbol Status Trigger
status_erstellt created

Default value if a guest has been created.

status_eingeladen invited Invitation was sent from eyevip.
status_akzpetiert accepted The guest has accepted the invitation.
status_abgelehnt declined The guest has declined the invitation.
status_warteliste waiting list The guest has registered on the waiting list.
status_anwesend present The guest has been marked as present (e.g. in the check-in app).
status_abwesend absent None. Must be set manually.
status_ersatzperson replacement The guest was replaced by another person during the admission process.

Good to know: As soon as the guest status is changed from "waiting list" to "accepted", the guest will receive the email "waiting list".

Statistics on accepted invitations

In the Event overview you'll find stats on registrations, cancellations, as well as the number of guests by status.

Adjust guest status manually

If a guest doesn't register using standard methods (e.g. by email or over the phone), you can manually change the status in the guest list:

  1. Search for the respective guest in the guest list
  2. Click the icon in the Status column and select the correct status from the dropdown.
